2023 Club Rules


The name of the Club shall be CLASSIC AND MODERN MOTORSPORT CLUB (“the Club”).

a. To further interest in motoring and motor sport.
b. To provide members (“Members”) with information, advice and assistance on matters
connected with motoring and motor sport.
c. To observe the local administration of the laws and regulations affecting motoring and
motor vehicles, and to report any proposed local action or scheme to Motorsport UK
d. To promote motor competitions in accordance with the Rules of Motorsport UK.
e. To arrange tours, lectures, and engage with members through social gatherings and other
f. To provide Members with such benefits and privileges as it may be possible to arrange on
their behalf.

Any person regardless of their sex or gender identity of not less than (17) years of age shall be
eligible for membership. The membership shall consist of (a) Life Members, (b) Honorary
Members, (c) Ordinary Members. (Persons under the age of 17 years may be eligible for Junior

The authority and responsibility for the transaction of the business of the Club for its management
shall be vested in a Committee, who, in addition to the powers and authorities by these rules
expressly conferred on them, may exercise all powers and do all acts in furtherance of the objects
for which the Club is established and or is approved by the Club in a General Meeting.

The President (Chair) of the Club and the Treasurer, Secretary and Committee shall be elected at
the Annual General Meeting which is subject to termination of office by resignation at the next
Annual General Meeting following their appointment. The Committee shall have the power to co-
opt other Members as they deem necessary. The retiring officers and other Members of the
Committee shall be eligible for re-election.

The Committee shall consist of not less than (eight) and not more than (eighteen) members,
exclusive of President (Chair), Treasurer and Secretary, who shall be ex-officio Members of the
Committee. The Committee shall elect from amongst its own Members a Vice-Chair. (One half) of
the Members of the Committee are entitled to vote and be personally present shall form a quorum
at any meeting.
Nominations of Candidates for election to the Committee must be received by the Secretary not
less than seven days before the Annual General Meeting, with an intention set out in writing and
signed by each Member nominated, that they are willing to serve. Nominations of Candidates
shall be signed by the Member proposing them. The Committee shall have the power to appoint a
Sub-Committee of not less than three persons to meet on its behalf in respect of any matter which
is specially referred to such a Sub-Committee.

The Secretary either of their own accord or by the direction of the Chair shall, unless otherwise
agreed by all the Committee, give at least seven (7) days written notice of a meeting.

Any Member of the Committee who shall, without any reasonable explanation, absent themselves
from three consecutive Committee meetings, may be called upon to resign their position upon the

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to attend in person or by deputy, all meetings of the Club and
all meetings of the Committee to take minutes of the proceedings. Such minutes shall be entered
in a book and presented at the following meeting and signed by the Chair, confirming they
represent a true and accurate reflection of the minutes recorded.

All monies of the Club shall be banked by the Treasurer in the name of the Club, and no
disbursements shall be made therefrom except in accordance with the form or forms authorised
by the Committee.

Applications of candidates for Membership of the Club shall be submitted to the Committee by the
Secretary, and the election of such candidates shall be at the discretion of the Committee. The
name and address and description of the candidate and names of their proposer and seconder,
being Members of the Club, shall be stated on each application submitted to the Committee,
provided that in the case of a candidate who is not known to any Member of the Club, the
Committee shall be empowered to carry out the election after proper enquiries and been made
and reported to the Committee.
Membership of the Club shall continue only for the period covered by the current subscription,
and Members shall be subject to re-election annually by the Committee.
All applications must be made by an individual in their own correct name and be signed by the said
applicant personally. Applications by persons under the age of 18 years must be countersigned by
a parent or guardian.

If a candidate is a Member of another club or organisation, they shall not be entitled to affiliated
Membership, whether Honorary, social or otherwise, either free or at a reduced rate.
Any candidate for membership of the Club whose subscription has been accepted by the Secretary
shall become a provisional Member of the Club. Provisional membership of any candidate shall
only be valid until the meeting of the Committee next, after payment of the subscription of such
candidate is received, in accordance with clause 16 below, and such membership is approved by
the Committee.

Each Member present at a meeting of the Committee shall be entitled to exercise one vote by a
show of hands. The Committee shall vote by ballot if any Member present so demands. A vote of
one third or more against any application for membership shall exclude the candidate from
entitlement to membership.

The membership subscription will be £35.00 per year or part thereof and is due on 1 st January. See
also paragraphs 21 and 22. Racing members are also required to pay the relevant registration fee
for their class.

Can be paid by cash, cheque or card.

Any Member who has been notified of their election and who fails to pay their subscription within
one month of such notification shall, as a further request by the Secretary or Treasurer in writing,
to pay the same, and, if they fail to make payment within fourteen days thereafter, their election
shall be considered ipso facto, null and void. No newly elected Member shall be entitled to any of
the privileges of membership until after the payment of their first subscription.

Any Member of the Club who has not paid their subscription within two clear months of the date
on which it became due shall be notified of the fact in writing, by the Secretary or the Treasurer. If,
after one month thereafter, any Member who has still failed to pay their subscription may, unless
sufficient reason be shown to the satisfaction of the Committee, be taken off the Register of
Members with immediate effect. No Member whose subscription is in arrears shall be eligible to
take part in any competitions organised by the Club and under the rules of Motorsport UK.

Any Member wishing to resign their membership shall give notice in writing to the Secretary on, or
before, the date on which their subscription would have become due for renewal in any year,
otherwise they shall be liable to pay their subscription for the following year. Any Member
ceasing, voluntarily or otherwise, to be a Member of the Club, shall thereafter cease to have any
claim upon the property of the Club or to enjoy any privileges of membership, and shall remain
liable for the payment of any debts due or outstanding, to the Club.

The name and address of the Club shall not be given by a Member as their address for trade,
advertising or business purposes, or in connection with any legal proceedings.

Subscribers who have been Members for not less than 15 years of paid £35.00 annual
subscriptions may be elected Life Members by the Committee and shall be exempt from the
payment of annual subscriptions. A Member cannot become a Life Member until after re-election.
The Committee may elect as Honorary Members all Members of the Royal Family, and any persons
distinguished for their political, scientific, literary, industrial and administrative capacities, or who
have been distinguished in promoting the cause of motoring in general or of the Club in particular.

If, in the opinion of the Committee and in the best interests of the Club, it becomes necessary to
ask a member to withdraw from the Club, it shall set out in writing giving a clear explanation and
reasons for doing so. If the Member declines, they shall have the opportunity to appeal to the
Committee and a meeting of the Committee will be arranged within 6 weeks following the date of
the expulsion letter. Members of the Committee and the Member whose expulsion is under
consideration, shall be given at least 7 days’ notice of such a meeting and shall be offered the
opportunity to provide an oral or written explanation of their conduct. If two thirds of the
Members present vote in favour of an expulsion, they shall thereupon cease to be a Member of
the Club and the decision will be final.

The Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held in the month of January in each year at a
date and time to be fixed by the Committee, giving 14 days prior notice of the Meeting. The
Annual General Meeting shall:
a. receive from the Committee a full statement of accounts duly audited detailing the
receipts and expenditure for the year ending
b. receive from the Committee a report of the activities of the Club during the said year
c. elect the President (Chair), the Secretary and Treasurer of the Club.
d. e-Elect the Committee.
e. settle any remunerations for the officers of the Club.
f. decide on any resolution which may be duly submitted and placed on the Agenda for the
meeting as hereinafter provided.

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by direction of the Committee, or on a
requisition of the Secretary stating the business for which the Extraordinary General Meeting is
required and signed not less than (12) members. If the meeting so requisitioned is not convened
within 21 days, the said (12) members may convene such meeting. 15 Members shall form a

When Members wish a matter to be discussed at a General Meeting, the text of such matters
signed by at least two members shall be sent to the Secretary at least 14 days before the date of
such meetings, so that it may be included in the Agenda.
A copy of the Agenda shall be sent to each member at least five days prior to the meeting, but the
fact that any member has not received a copy of the Agenda shall not invalidate the proceedings.
No business which is not included in the Agenda shall be discussed at the meeting unless every

Member present is in favour thereof. Should the proposer of any motion fail to move a resolution
in respect of the relevant item on the Agenda, then any other Member shall be entitled to do so.

Every person with a right to be present may exercise one vote. The Chair shall not vote except in
the exercise of a casting vote. At all General Meetings, except as provided in Rule 30, a majority of
votes decides a resolution.
At any General Meeting any (12) members may demand a Poll, and thereupon the meeting shall
be adjourned to a time and place to be named by the Chair, and a postal vote shall be taken of all
members of the club, the decision of the members, as shown by a postal vote, shall be reported to
the adjourned meeting, and shall be deemed to be the decision of such meeting. The Rules
relating to collective vote and proxies shall apply as in Clause 14 hereof.

No-one can take part in General Meetings unless he has been duly elected as a Member of the
Club and has paid their subscription according to the rules.

Every Member binds themselves to abide by the rules of the club, and also by any modifications
thereof made in conformity with such rules, and also to accept as final and binding the decision of
the Committee in all cases of dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation of these rules.

Any alterations may be made in these rules by a General Meeting provided (a) that details of the
proposed alteration or alterations are included in the notice of the General Meeting and (b) that
the resolution proposing such alteration is carried out by two thirds of those present and voting at
such General Meeting or by two-thirds of those voting should a Poll be demanded as provided for
in Rule 27.

All motor competitions organised by the Club shall be held under the rules and requirements of
Motorsport UK.
Any Member convicted of an offence arising out of their being in charge of a motor vehicle in any
Club event or on Club business shall be thereupon liable to expulsion from the Club under Rule 23.

Every Member shall be furnished with a copy of the Club rules and regulations on election.

Any badges issued to a Member or for a Club shall remain the property of the Club. On termination
of their membership, Members shall deliver up such badges to the Secretary.

The club has adopted the MSUK Safeguarding Policy. Further information is available on the
Motorsport UK website, direct link here:

Participant Welfare

The club has adopted the MSUK GDPR Policy. Further information is available on the Motorsport
UK website, direct link here:

Participant Welfare

The club has adopted the MSUK Social Media Policy. Further information is available on the
Motorsport UK website, direct link here:

Participant Welfare

Members must ensure they abide by the rules and regulations of the Club and Motorsport UK and:
a. conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times, in the best interests of UK motor
b. respect the decision of event officials
c. treat all competitors, marshals and officials equally with respect
d. maintain the highest standards of driving behaviour
e. not discriminate against individuals for any reason, whether as a result of race, colour,
gender, marital status, sexuality, age, disability, occupation, religion or political persuasion.
Failure to comply with this Code may result in stringent sanctions being imposed by Motorsport UK
and the National Court.

The Club may be dissolved by a Special General Meeting convened by direction of the Committee,
or on the requisition of the majority of the Members. If the resolution of dissolution be duly
passed, the Committee shall forthwith liquidate the affairs of the Club, and if there be any surplus
assets on realisation, these shall be disposed of at the discretion of the Committee.

Motorsport UK – Race with Respect code of conduct for Competitors

A socially-minded standard of behaviour is expected from everyone within the motorsport community.
We all have a responsibility to follow the values of the Race With Respect Code of Conduct, embodying
respect, integrity, fair play, self-control and good manners.
As a competitor I agree to demonstrate RESPECT by:
• Treating everyone with respect regardless of their gender, ethnic or social background, language,
religious or other beliefs, disability, sexual identity or status.
• Being polite and respectful to all staff, officials, competitors, volunteers, as well as fans and
• Never engaging in or tolerating offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour.
• Respecting my team mates, competitors from other teams and all other participants.
As a competitor I agree to demonstrate INTEGRITY by:
• Always taking part to the best of my ability.
• Behaving responsibly.
• Raising concerns when something isn’t right and reporting any incidents of bullying to an Officer of
the club or to Motorsport UK.
As a competitor I agree to demonstrate FAIR PLAY by:
• Respecting the rules and regulations, decisions and authority of the officials.
• Not cheating.
• Not breaking or bending the rules
As a competitor I agree to demonstrate SELF CONTROL by:
• Always speaking to other competitors with respect.
• Always being considerate of others and appreciating that everyone has a different level of skill and
• Taking responsibility for my behaviour and the way I speak to other people.
As a competitor I agree to demonstrate GOOD MANNERS by:
• Placing an emphasis on fun and enjoyment, making our sport a friendly and welcoming place to be.
• Celebrating when I win and being gracious when I lose.
In accordance with regulation 10.1. Motorsport UK reserves the right to take appropriate disciplinary
action for breaches of these codes of conduct. This may include being asked to leave Motorsport UK
affiliated activities and being excluded from future activities.