Results of the CMMCS
May 2020 – 2 meeting survey
1. 66 people responded, half a dozen by phone or chat
2. All of them answered all the questions.
3. The rate of response peaked 24 May, i.e. Sunday.
4. On Tuesday and Wednesday there was only one response per day, so we can assume survey complete. It was closed 30th May at 14h30.
We asked “The Classic & Modern Motorsport Club Southern has announced its initial 2020 race calendar (see, that’s Intermarque Silhouettes, Super Saloons and TinTops. Do you intend to race with us at the first meeting, Cadwell Park on July 26th?”
10 people said YES (16%)
13 people said MAYBE
43 people said NO
Cadwell Park… We do not expect a large number of southern based competitors to travel to Cadwell Park, but 23 of you wish to go or on the “may be” list and the meeting is going ahead; we have a number of other series/championships attending, including karts, so it will be much better supported than last year. An entry form will be available very soon.
“Do you intend to race with us at the second CMMCS meeting, Snetterton on August 8th ?”
25 people said YES (37.8%)
19 people said MAYBE
22 people said NO
Snetterton… we are pleased to say at least 25 drivers are keen to go with another 19 on the “may be” list. Don’t forget, this will put them in good stead to be accepted for the Brands GP meeting at the end of August.
It is pleasing to note that so many of our drivers, 66 so far, have responded well to the survey. Thank you so much for your input. So good in our club to have such positive involvement of the driver-members and long may that continue. We are here to get it right for YOU.
Whilst we fully understand and respect that with some drivers it is going to be difficult to resume racing straight away, we are optimistic that the CMMCS should go ahead with a 2020 race calendar ASAP given the number of positive responses.
Uncertainties… We have taken time to read the various comments, some of which are easy to answer. For instance rescheduling Mallory Park is not possible as they have a full calendar for the rest of the year. It is interesting to note in your responses to our drivers poll survey that many people have a degree of uncertainty due to various reasons, such as:
- Health
- Money
- How to respect Social Distancing
- Overnight accommodation, especially for Cadwell
- Children and how nice it is normally to make it a weekend
- Parents/friends
We thank everyone for taking the time to complete the survey which has given us very useful information.
Richard Culverhouse, Chairman CMMC and Rod Birley, on behalf of CMMC Southern. 30 May 2020.
Queries about the survey may be addressed to assisting the committee of the CMMCS